NB – for some of our partners’ events, you may need to email them or visit their website.
This is your chance to dive into a week full of awesome activities during the Autumn half-term. All events are free. No experience necessary and all materials provided!
Email DYF@futurefoundry.org.uk, or DM us on social media for more information. Free transport provided to events out of town – booking required!
Dover Youth Festival is an annual festival produced by Future Foundry, showcasing and celebrating the
cultural interests of Dover’s 11-19 year olds. Following the success of DYF 23, 2024
is the second year Future Foundry will deliver Dover Youth Festival.
To get better at devising activities for 11-19 year olds we spent one hour with more than 500 Dover secondary school students, to find out what they thought of as ‘culture’, what creative and cultural activities they would like access to and what activities they were already doing. We also asked how they felt about Dover and whether young people should be consulted in decisions made about the future of the town.
From there, Dover Youth Festival was born. Check out the first iteration in 2023 here.